Welcome to the inspiring story of our Association.

In 2013, an American tourist, driven by a passion for education, started a unique school in a simple cabin. With determination and
perseverance, this person created a warm and stimulating learning environment for children in the Kep region of Cambodia.

In 2015, a major step was taken with the meeting of Jo Yahich. Under the leadership of the latter, the first stone of a primary school intended for
the most disadvantaged children of this rural region was laid. The project aimed to supplement free public education with English and computer
courses, two subjects allowing people to open up to the world. But the project came to an abrupt end at the end of 2020 when Jo Yahich died of

As soon as the country reopened at the end of 2022, his wife, Maddalena Fanti, went there with friends. The meeting of students in different
schools and associations in the region but also the visit to the rural region itself, made people realize that “something urgent had to be done” on
a more global level than the simple school launched under the leadership of Jo.

The European association “JO YAHICH” for helping disadvantaged children learn – KKEP ON LEARNING – was born.