Je désire parrainer un enfant. Que faire ? I desire to sponsor a child. What to do ?
To sponsor a child. What to do ?
KKEP ON LEARNING is a European humanitarian association aiming to provide learning support to disadvantaged children in the rural region of KEP in Cambodia.

For some families whose income does not exceed USD 30 per month, food and housing are top priorities. Clothing, hygiene, health and education have become, by necessity, accessory priorities. In theory, all children should be able to benefit from a quality education. In practice, this is not the case. Sometimes for a 5 USD imposed impayable uniform.

You can help us in our mission:

  • first, to allow underprivileged children of KEP to follow the education of the public school to which they are entitled ;
  • and, to offer these children, in addition to basic public education, English language and computer courses. These two subjects should open the doors of the world to them.

Up to date, 87 children are already benefiting from our aid program but the requests are constantly increasing. But, to benefit from this basic program, we estimate that a child would need 20 EUR per month to see his life greatly improved. 20 EUR per month may seem like a small amount on this side of the world but in Cambodia it is a significant amount.

In order to actively participate in our program, we offer either:

– to make a one-time donation. Any amount whatsoever is welcome;

– to become a sponsor of a child for one year (20 EUR each month for 12 months).

Then, by sponsoring a child, you can have a direct impact on their life today. The funds you provide will help cover the costs of his education (uniform, books…), health care, food and transportation. In addition to this financial assistance, you can also exchange letters with your godchild and provide him with moral support.

Whether for the sponsors but also for their own children, being a sponsor is an enriching experience. You can learn a lot from another culture. Thru this, you can also explain to your own children this “draw” of birth.

Furthermore, your financial support is also an investment for the future. Educating a child today and enabling him to obtain knowledge means enabling him, tomorrow, to work and help his family and his community.

Finally, sponsorship is a concrete and visible action that allows you to immediately see the impact of your support. It immediately makes you useful. You will regularly receive news from your sponsored child. So you can follow its progress.

However, if it is impossible for you to donate, simply relay our initiative to your friends, family and acquaintances. If you are not a sponsor or donor, be an ambassador. Disseminating our message will be greatly appreciated by our teams.

” To sponsor a child. What to do ? ” Our association is the guarantor of the follow-up and assures you that any EURO given will be an EURO spent in the social object. Act now…